Higher education is considered as a refined form of expanded technical study. We at FOMRA value it more than considering it as a mere optional stage of the formal learning. The institution offers various post graduate courses for stipulated engineering departments. Students are also encouraged to take up higher studies at abroad, for intensifying their subject knowledge and career growth to a prodigious level.
The bureau of higher education of SMK FOMRA Institute of technology caters to the need of students willing to peruse higher studies in reputed abroad academies and also to appear for various competitive exams like GRE,TOFEL,GMAT,GATE, IAS & IES etc.
The institution inculcates the values of higher education in students through numerous workshops and guest lectures conducted by various trainings firms. Students are made aware regarding various schemes, procedures and importance of pursuing higher education.
An institutional level workshop was organized during the year 2019, by IMI (International Management Institute, New Delhi), for creating an awareness regarding the fundamentals of CAT preparation and various techniques adopted for clearing MBA CAT exams. Frequent interaction sessions are also arranged with independent I.T consultants for the students to understand the market scenario and acclimatize themselves for a right domain in pursuing Higher education.